It is an essential and crucial job of the school to keep parents updated on their kid’s activities throughout the day. The better parents are abreast with what their kid is up to at their school, the stronger your relationship with them gets.
How to filter the activity timeline
Choose the date range of activity you would like to view
Filter the room, activity, and label
How to enable/disable activities
Go to profile and then go to enable/disable activities
Select the activities you’d like to enable, and deselect the ones you want to disable
Click on save
Steps to send activity updates
On the menu, go to activities, and then click on today’s activities
You will see a list of activities. Click on the one you want to update parents about.
Select the students you want to update the activity for. You can also filter students by classrooms and groups.
Add an attachment if needed
Click on submit
As soon as an activity is posted, parents get notified and can view the activity update on the timeline.
They can like, comment on the activity update and also download pictures and videos from the update.