Creating Holidays
Sourabh Agarwal avatar
Written by Sourabh Agarwal
Updated over a week ago

Creating single and multiple-day holidays becomes super easy with Illumine. Once you create a holiday, parents on the parent app will get notified and will be able to see it immediately.

How to create single-day holidays

  • First, go to calendar in the menu, and then click on holiday

  • Next, to create a single day holiday click on add holiday on the top right corner

  • Enter the holiday name, date, and choose the classrooms you want to create the holiday for

  • Then click on submit

  • Your holiday will be successfully created.

How to create multiple holidays

  • First, go to calendar in the menu, and then click on holiday

  • Next, click on the add multiple holiday button on the top right corner

  • Next, click on download format. This will give you the format you’re supposed to enter and upload your holiday list in

  • Upload the file, click on save, and choose the classrooms you want to apply the holidays for, and click on submit

  • The holidays will be added to the list

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