Find out different features and usage of the Miscellaneous setting feature in Illumine.
1. Attendance mode – If you select this feature you can just mark students present/ absent without recording their check-in and check-out time.
You can also see Present & Absent students on your Attendance card on your home page.
Late Attendance Check: If you choose this option you will receive the late check-in option while marking students’ attendance, this will help you keep a record of students who late checked in and check out, which will help you in billing for additional hours.
Update only checked in students: If you choose this, on your activity page you can see only present students and update their activities, Absent students will not be shown. To send updates to all students you can click on Showing only check in students. Show all? under the search tab and you can view all students in the classroom.
Send updates to parents for attendance: If you choose this option attendance updates will be viewed by parents on the child timeline like any other activity, otherwise they will just receive a notification.
2. Make concern resolution optional:
Hide time for activities: If you choose this option, the update you are sending to parents will not show time and the only date will appear.
Disable notification for attendance: If you choose this option parents will not get notified about their child’s attendance, Check in or Check out.
Hide Bus Tracking: If you choose this option parents won’t be able to see bus tracking options in the child’s profile.
Hide Live Stream: If you choose this option parents won’t be able to see live streaming options in the child’s profile.
Hide attendance option: If you choose this option Student and staff attendance option gets hidden on the activity page. But you can still go from the Home page attendance status card.
Hide Camera Access for absent students: If you choose this option, a parent whose child is absent can’t view camera/live streaming for that particular day.
Disable video download for parents: When you are sharing online teaching videos through lesson plans, activities with parents, you can choose this option to avoid parents downloading videos. If you only want to disable video download for a lesson then you can do that when sharing the lesson.
Late Fee: Late fee can be mentioned here and after the due date the amount mentioned here will automatically get added to the invoice.
Meal Types: You can mention the types of meals you are providing and will automatically get added to your food activity page like Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, etc.
Languages: Any additional languages can be mentioned here to add to the Language activity page apart from the main language.
Medicine Quantity Setting: You can set up a predefined quantity of medicine to be given to children for medical log updates. This will make it easier to record update instead of every time filling it.
Invoice Number Prefix: You can set up a predefined invoice number/ registered number that will add in all invoices which are sent to parents. Like INV ,SPINV etc.
Note Types: You can add notes options like food, medicine, pick up and drop. These options will appear on the parent’s side in Parent’s notes so that they can filter and choose notes to be shared with teachers.
Kiosk Code: Kiosk mode is protected by a code. The default code is ‘0000’ which can be updated in this setting to any 4 digit pin. To enable the Kiosk mode you will have to enter this code.
Currency Code: You can choose your billing currency according to your country and the same will appear in your invoice like USD, INR, etc.
Receipt Prefix: You can set up predefined receipt number/ registered number that will add in all receipt which is sent to parents.
Virtual Class settings: This will help you set up your zoom account to take a virtual class with students. Once you click on Click here to configure the Zoom account it will take you now to the Zoom page where you can create a new zoom account or use the existing one. Once you add all the details your account will be set up automatically in Illumine.
Also if you want your teachers to set up their zoom account click on Allow teachers to configure personal zoom account. Check this article on how to set up Zoom Account for more details.
After you select or fill in any above information don’t forget to click on Save.
Now Customise your account with the help of these settings.